Islamic Finance Courses
Posted: 2 Rajab 1424, 30 August 2003
Q.) I would like to know what is the best course a person can take to improve his knowledge of Islamic Finance. I am currently aware of Netversity and one offered by the Islamic Institute here in the UK. Does Mufti Taqi offer courses in Karachi? Also where is the best place to gain information regarding employment in this area? Thank you very much in advance, and may Allah reward your noble efforts. [Salem Patel] |
A.) You can read my books "An Introduction to Islamic Finance" and "Historic Judgment on Interest" published by Idaratul Maarif Darul Uloom Karachi. Darul Uloom Karachi has a "Centre of Islamic Economics" which organizes courses on Islamic Finance from time to time. In this regard you may contact Mr. Muhammad Imran, CEO of the Centre at the email address:
Further Reading:
An Introduction to Islamic
The Historic Judgement on