Reciting Masnoon Du'as During Menses

By Mufti Shafiq Jakhura (Darul Ihsan Centre)
Posted: 22 Jamad-ul-Awwal 1430, 17 May 2009

Q. I wanted to know in the days of menses if women can read Masnoon dua’s and the Durood Sharif. I know that we cannot touch or recite the Qur’an but some people say that you can recite Masnoon dua's and Durood Sharif.

A. A woman in her menses is permitted to recite Masnoon dua’s.

She is also permitted to recite dua’s that have been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, provided that she recites these dua’s with the intention of making a du’a and not with the intention of tilawat. Further, a woman in her menses may recite Durood Sharif without any objection.

And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
