Giving Zakat to Descendents of Prophet Muhammad
Posted: 10 Shawwal 1423, 15 December 2002
Q.) Can we give zakat to syeds? [Nasir Shah] |
A.) Sayyidna Abu Hurayra, Radi-Allahu anhu, narrates that once Hassan, Radi-Allahu anhu, took hold of a few dates of Sadaqah and was about to eat it. Nabi took it away from him and remarked, 'Do you not know that we (the family of the Prophet do not eat Sadaqah.' (Bukhari vol.1 pg.202; Qadeemi)
From the above Hadith, it is evident that the descendants of Rasulullah can not accept Zakaat. They should be assisted with Lillah funds only. If a Sayyid is in dire need and Lillah funds are not available, then only may he be assisted with Zakaat funds. And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best